Sanderson Camera used to take photographs in the Macaulay-Borrowman Collection
The Macaulay- Borrowman Photography Collection is part of the Middleville and District Museum's collection. The photographs are a glimpse into the lives of the community and the people who lived there. There are family portraits, casual photos of everyday life and pictures of the buildings that made up the village landscape; some still standing and others long gone.
The negatives were produced by chemical reaction of metallic salts to light on glass plates. The fragile glass negatives could be used to produce many copies of the same image, a remarkable feat for the time. Each of the glass negatives measures 6 1/2 inches by 4 3/4 inches. The extensive collection of 300 glass negatives are housed in the Middleville and District Museum.
We have recently begun the process of sharing some of the photographs from the Macaulay - BorrowmanCollection on our website and will continue to add more in the coming months. We hope you will browse it to see if there are any interesting connections you can make with the names and subjects. There is a considerable amount of history hidden in plain sight in these photos and their descriptions. If you are lucky enough to make a connection and would like to view the photo, jot down the PA number included at the end of each photo description. You can view any of these special photos while visiting the museum in person.
Catalogue of Photographs:
To view each photograph, click on the highlighted photo name or identifying title.
The complete index of photographs in the 771 and 772 Series
771 Series PA# Caption
77194 Penman’s Sawmill, 8th Line, Lanark Township, Hugh Rodger’s lot
77195 Eva Rodger Rintoul and Jim
77196 Threshing scene (three men, 4 horses)
77197 Jessie McKay and Jean McKirdy
77198 Jean Rankin, Nellie Blackburn and Edna Bowen
772 Series PA # Caption
77200 Dave Barr’s Family, Hall’s Mills Peter, John, Maria (Mrs. Sandy Reid), Isabella (Mrs. Harry McGee), Dave, Wilfred, Alfred, Ross and Kenneth
77201 Alma, Jennie and Jennie Affleck (top to bottom)
77202 Lulu Somerville
77203 Timothy Sweeney with William Langstaff’s team hauling milk to Middleville Cheese Factory
77204 Wilson Family: Earl, George, Howard, Ernest and Laddie
77205 William Borrowman’s wheat field with his son Wesley stooking grain
77206 Two children (unidentified)
77207 Mina Anderson and Ernest McKinley
77208 Margaret Affleck
77209 Minnie Erskine
77210 Farm group
77211 Janet Taylor
77212 Jenny McLaughlin
77213 Wesley Borrowman
77214 Jessie McKirdy and Janet Penman
77215 Mina, Cora and Archie Anderson
77216 Middleville Group of Men, 1908
77217 The McCallum Family (Mrs. Wm Borrowman was Mary McCallum)
77218 Lizzie and Jean McKirdy
77219 Two ladies and two girls
77220 Loyal Crusaders 1908
77221 Mrs. William Rodger, Mrs. Hicks and child (pose 1)
77222 Mrs. William Rodger, Mrs. Hicks and child (pose 2)
77223 J, Penman Sawmill Gang, 1909 Peter Barr, Fred Woods, R.L. Somerville, Rex Penman, Mel Woods, Jack Miller and Willie Wilson
77224 Addie Blackburn (Mrs. Arthur McIntyre)
77225 James Penman Family Evan, Tena, Ronnie and Rex
77226 Flossie Affleck
77227 Family group, Mrs. Tom Wilson, Earl, George, Howard, Ernest and Laddie
77228 Gladys Borrowman, daughter of Reverend Alymer Borrowman
77229 Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKay, Jenny, Jimmy, Jessie, Edith, Elizabeth, Agnes, Margaret
77230 Front row: David Burke, Ida Mather, Nettie Blackburn, Back row: Maggie Blackburn, Bella Blackburn, Harry Thompson
77231 James Family group
77232 Picnic group
77233 School photo S.S. # 9 Rosetta School 1908 L to R: Back Row: Jean McIntyre, Addie Arnott, Maggie Rodger, Jenny McKay, May McFarlane, Addie McIntyre, Lloyd Peacock Centre Row: Jimmy McKay, Elsie Craig, ?, ?, Nettie Rodger, Jessie McKay, Edna Peacock, Arthur Creighton, William Poultney Front Row: Harold Arnott, Harry Rodger, Ross Craig(?), ?, Jack Rodger, Archie Affleck, Harvey McIntyre
77234 Group at Church Party Back row: Edna Bowen, Bella Mitchell, Maggie Blackburn, Ethel Croft, Nettie Blackburn, Carrie Somerville, Mabel Blackburn, Jean Rankin, Clara Croft and Mrs. Macauley Front row: Nettie Creighton, Maggie Moffat, Lizzie McIntyre, Minnie Erskine, Aggie Affleck, Mary Hogg, Anna Bella Creighton, Madge Creighton, Nellie Rodger
77235 Jennie McLaughlin
77236 Pioneer cabin used as summer kitchen, Lot 19 East half Conc 8, Lanark Township
77237 Annie Jackson and Wesley Borrowman in Borrowman’s field at harvest time
77238 Missing
77239 Nettie and Madge Creighton in buggy with Alec Scoular
77240 Matt Somerville’s house
77241 Mill House at the Clyde James Rankin’s family: Jack, Ida, Nina, Tena, Margaret, Billy, Rena, Mervyn and Earl
77242 Family of John Sr and Katie Somerville Back row: Katie Somerville, Liala Somerville, Maggie and Mrs. Lawrence, Winnie Lawrence, Front row: Carrie, (Mrs. WS Rodger), Ethel (Mrs. Aldean Affleck), Olive (Mrs. Bruce Bell)
77243 Robert S. Rodger’s family: James Rodger, Miss Mary Rodger, Carrie Rodger (Mrs. James Thompson), Ruth Rodger, Robert S. Rodger, Lorna, Mrs. Rodger, Gertrude, Bessie, Margaret and dog
77244 Andrew Arnott with James and Harold
77245 Missing
77246 Missing
77247 George Mather with load of logs in bush lot, 1910
77250 Picnic at Thompson’s Lake, Galbraith, Lanark Township
77251 George Mather with his mother, Mrs. Dave Mather and sister Ida on the hay binder
77252 Woman with three children (unidentified)
77253 Lena Nairn and Effie Wilson
77254 Borrowman Family Group: Nell, Kate, Ed, Wesley and Bill
77255 Robbie Affleck and his wife
77256 Willie Gibson’s wedding at Gunn’s
77257 Rodger and Eric Somerville
77258 David Burke
77259 Missing
77260 Robert J. Affleck (known as Curly), lived on Main Street, east side
77261 Mr. and Mrs. George Mather (Mrs. Maude Anderson) wedding photo with Nettie Blackburn and unknown man
77262 Mr. and Mrs. William McIntyre’s family of six daughters Lena, (Mrs. Hutton), Alex, Minnie (Mrs. Mel Morrison), Grace (Mrs. Allie Buffam), Nellie (Mrs. John Herron), Ida (Mrs. Albert May), Jean (Mrs. William Aitken)
77263 Mr. and Mrs. James Dodds family of five: Jenny, Herold, Jim, Bessie, James Dodd, Helen, Mrs. Dodds
77264 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Affleck with Jessie and Amanda
77265 Mr. and Mrs. George Mather and family Ross, Arthur and Elva
77266 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reid (Caroline Caldwell) and son Wilfred
77267 George Mather, Alf McDougall, Albert Craig
77268 Tena (Mrs. Evan Craig) and Jean (Mrs. Hilton Thompson) McIntyre
77269 Group at David Somerville’s making a jumper sleigh Back row: Jim Somerville, Dave Somerville Jr., Harry Somerville Front row: Billy Somerville, Matt Somerville, Dave Somerville Sr.
77270 Penman brothers: James, William and George
77271 Group at R.R. Affleck’s veranda Relatives: R.C. Somerville, Alde Affleck, Robby Somerville, Roy Affleck, Lloyd Somerville, Jack Mather, R.R. Affleck, Margaret Somerville, Mrs. R.C. Somerville, Mrs. Jack Mather, Ethel Somerville and Johnny Mather
77272 Flower Drill group after Concert, Middleville Town Hall 1910 Jenny Somerville, Minnie Mather, Eva Rodger, Tena McIntyre, Mabel, Jean McIntyre, Miss Chown, Lila Somerville, Ida Affleck, Clara Somerville, Nettie Blackburn, Lena Nairn
77273 Back row: Jean Rankin, Jessie May Affleck, Edna Bowen, Miss Berry, Minnie Erskine, Mary Hogg, Mabel Blackburn, Clara Croft and Maggie Moffat Front row: Nettie Somerville, Nettie Creighton, Nettie Blackburn, Madge Creighton, Jenny Affleck and Ethel Somerville
77274 Group of Middleville girls at Reverend Macaulay’s in 1910 Back row: Minnie Mather, Bessie Affleck, Lena Nairn, Kate Manson, Bella Mitchell, Edna Rodger, Evelyn Somerville, Margaret McIlraith, Annie Liddle, Addie Blackburn Front row: Ida Mather, Fanny Manson, Jenny Somerville, Rachel Macaulay, Lila Somerville, Mary Affleck, Ida Affleck, Nettie Somerville, Clara Somerville
77275 1908-1910 Mina Anderson, Addie McIntyre, Miss A. Baird, Mary Hogg, Edna Bowen, Mrs. Macaulay, Mrs. Kingsley, Edna Wallace, Rachel Macaulay, Margaret McIlraith, Agnes Yuill, Maggie Manson, Lila Somerville, Violet Parker, Margaret Affleck, Jean Yuill, Agnes Macaulay, Margaret Somerville and Ollie Wallace
77276 Community group of men Back row: Mel Woods, Peter Barr, Fred Woods, Lew Somerville, Jim penman, Allie Blackburn, Wilfred Reid, Jim Blackburn, Arthur McIntyre and Lawrence Croft Front row: Wylie Affleck, Lorne Somerville, Jack Miller, Johnny Mather, Billy Somerville, Willie Wilson, Roy Affleck, Lot Mitchell, A>B> Craig, Bobby Somerville, Allie Blackburn
77277 Archie Rankin’s house with vines and flowers
77278 Mrs. George Creighton’s house (#2) Nettie, Madge and Mrs. Creighton
77279 Missing
77280 Allan Backburn’s house and wood work shop
77281 The Middleville Hotel L-R: Ross Mather, George Mather, Mrs. Mather, Ida Affleck (Mrs. Liddle), Elva Mather (Mrs. O’Donohue), Arthur Mather
77282 R. McIntyre, at store
77283 Penman Family: Maggie Moffat, Rex Penman, Mrs. James Penman with Tena on her knee, James Penman with Ronnie on his knee and Evan
77284 Penman House, built in 1880 Archie Campbell, Mrs. Leaky, Lottie Penman, Hazel Leaky
77285 Statute Labour for Roads, at Galbraith taken approximately 1905 Bob Nairn (2nd from left)
77286 Missing
77287 Main Street of Middleville, near village pump
77290 Wesley and Russell Borrowman sitting on glacial rock in Borrowman’s field, Middleville
77291 First Congregational Church, Middleville located across from Fair Grounds
77292 Mrs. Robert Affleck, (Mary Borrowman) 100 years old
77293 Group of cousins: Nettie Creighton, Nettie Baird, Jessie May Affleck, Madge Creighton, Ida Affleck, Harry Mather, Nettie Somerville, Bill Somerville, Margaret Baird
77294 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liddle and family Lorne, Bill, Annie and Fred
77295 Group at George Mather’s Sugar Camp, Middleville Elva Mather, George Mather, Evan Craig, Bob Nairn
77296 Middleville School photo 1899 Back Row: John T. Robertson, Billy Liddle, Mary Affleck, Wilfred Reid, Alden Affleck, Ethel Somerville, Olive Blackburn, Jennie Affleck, Annie Mitchell, Annie Smith, Ida Mather, Agnes Affleck Centre Row: John C. Mather, Johnny Mather, Big Roy Affleck, Fred Liddle, Jim Rodger, Sinclair Mitchell, Scott Mather, Landowne Burke, Allie Blackburn, Addie Blackburn, Jean McIntyre, Sadie Jones, Mary Affleck, Essie Cunningham Bottom Row: Wee Roy Affleck, W.R. Somerville, Wylie Affleck, Robert Somerville, Clifford Affleck, James Howith, Herb Jackson, Arthur McIntyre, David Burke, Nellie Rodger, Nellie McIntyre, Eda Robertson, Ida Affleck, Clara Somerville
77297 Jack Mather’s Sugar Camp L to R: Maggie Blackburn, Ethel Somerville, Jack Mather, Minnie Mather, Evelyn Somerville, Jimmy Rankin and Lizzie Chalmers (in front)
77298 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Affleck and family Margaret, Jennie and Bessie