The following Family Histories are included in the Middleville and District Museum's collection and can be viewed when the museum is open or by appointment. Some of the histories are hand written, some are typewritten and others are published books. (* An asterix beside the family name denotes the history is a published book or ring bound booklet.)
We have begun the process of providing some details about the contents. This is a work in progress and we will be adding more information as the year progresses. If you have an enquiry about the general contents of the histories below beyond what is described, please contact us for more details. Please check back as information is added in the coming months.
Affleck (other family names include: Sommerville, Borrowman, six generation family tree, family photos, marriage certificate for AlbertEdward Affleck and Jane Rintoul, letters)
Anderson (photo album, family of James B. Anderson and Janet Penman)
Bingley (descendent chart: first birth date is 1782 England, includes birthdates to late 1990s)
Boag (information for the petition to The Honourable Commissioner of Crown Lands by Elizabeth Boag to have land record corrected, some family details included)
Byron (history, family tree and index of names)
Camelon* (Reunion 2000 booklet and history, Family tree with many generations listed)
Campbell (story of Lanark Township settlement in 1820, some detailed information about family members, some information on births and deaths)
Craig (Craig family marriages beginning in 1864, some notes on Craig families, Family Tree of Isabella Gilchrist and Robert Craig, notes on Craig family compiled from Lanark Era)
Dick (family histories, JamesBorrowman and Marion Dick family genealogy, William Borrowman and Marion Hannah Hanney family genealogy)
Easton (history, including diary for time period 1830 - 1839)
Ellis* (Family Tree)
Ferguson* (family history and family tree)
Foley (the story of John Foley and sons who settled in Halls Mills and built the bridge that crosses the river on the 11 Concession of Lanark Township, the sons went on to be well known in the Railroad industry, photos)
Gemmill* (John Gemmill and Anne Weir family records beginning in 1774)
Goodwin (Robert Goodwin Sr and Esther McKay's family story and information on descendants beginning in 1833)
Halpenny (family records from 1830 to 1966, information on Robert Thomas Watchorn and Mary Halpenny)
Hart (descendent chart with many generations beginning before 1832, Families of Robert Hart and Janet Kirby, Robert Hart Jr and Jennie Machan, George Hart and Martha McDougall, James Hart and Martha McDougall second marriage)
Ireton (family history and records )
James* (book contains information on John James and Elizabeth Lockhart Ramsbottom, family trees, pictures) (a binder contains information on James homestead's log house family history, family documents including death notices , land records, family trees, some photos) King*
Lawson* (family tree beginning with Jeanette Lawson in 1803, includes notes on Alexander Lawson, RobertLawson, John Lawson including his will transcribed, Peter Lawson, Maryann Lawson, Belle Lawson, MaggieLawson, Nettie Lawson, James Lawson)
Lawson Tripp*
MacFarlane (narrative of emigration)
Machan* (profile of James Glen Machan)(Family Tree beginning in 1699 with James Machan and Sarah Young)(story of emigration and family tree beginning with James Machan in 1849 and Margaret Gavin 1851)
Mather (John Mather 1795 and Robena Lunan 1796, information and family tree beginning in 1819 and ending in 2003)
McDougall (land petitions, some lot location information)
McIlraith* (photos, directory of descendants of James McIlraith , family tree with nine generations beginning in 1788)(Alexander Foster McIlraith 1858 - 1945, information and biographies on descendants)
McIntyre (profile of Captain John A McIntyre, story of settlement for John, Alexander, David and Isabella McIntyre from Northern Scotland and genealogy information)
Middleton (William Middleton and Mary Manson, information on 7 generations, transcribed letter from John Gemmill to his son Andrew)
Mitchell (some assorted information about the family from descendants and some photos)
Morris (William Morris and Catherine Struthers, information about their family, alsoconnected to Rosetta Violin now in the museum)
Munro (genealogy informationfor Donald Munro and Margaret Murray, also includes the story of the barn loom now in the museum)
Murray (Henry Murray's gravestone picture and information about the First Presbyterian Church in White Pidgeon, Michigan built by his son in law)